Top 10 Richest Persons In The World 2020

Top 10 Richest Persons In The World 2020

Who are the richest people in the world?

Most people have a pretty good idea, even if they’re not an entrepreneur, or interested in the subject at all for that matter.

As you’re reading this, you probably already have names popping into your head as to who will appear on the list of the richest.

Let’s find out in this article, where we list the top 10 richest people in the world as of 2020. These are the game-changers, and the people who have helped transform and re-shape the world.

Friends these man is running  the world ! Top 10 richest persons in the world2020.

  1. Jeff Bezos, US$ 140 bn
  2. Bernard Arnault, US$ 107 bn
  3. Bill Gates, US$ 106 bn
  4. Warren Buffet, US$ 102 Billion
  5. Mark Zuckerberg, US$ 84 bn
  6. Amancio Ortega, US$ 81 bn
  7. Carlos Slim Helu, US$ 72 bn
  8. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, US$68 bn and US$67 bn
  9. Mukesh Ambani, US$ 67 bn
  10. Steve Ballmer, US$ 67 bn

1 Jeff Bezos
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, aged 56 years has retained the topmost slot in the list of world’s leading billionaires. His net worth in 2020 is US$ 140 bn. In what is said to be the largest divorce settlement happened on the earth so far, Jeff Bezos shelled out a significant percentage of his wealth to his former wife Mackenzie Bezos. Even after the deal, he could retain the top slot of the richest persons list with his wealth down by about US$ 7 bn. Also, Amazon’s valuation hit US$ 1 trillion which contributed to his riches. Bezos has also bought a new property for US$165 million in Los Angeles.

2 Bernard Arnault
The chairman and CEO of LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton SE, the largest luxury goods company, Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault is the second richest person on earth with a net worth of US $ 107 bn. For a brief period in December 2019, he was in fact the richest person on the earth before Amazon’s shares shooting up to throw up Bezos to the topmost position once again.

3 Bill Gates
Bill Gates has recently dropped from one to the third position in the world’s richest persons list. Though he has grown his wealth by about 10%, he occupies the third spot with a net worth of US$ 106 bn. Recently, Bill Gates gave away US$ 100 mn to fight the Coronavirus. During the last two decades, his charity foundation has given US$ 50 bn to support global health and education.

4 Warren Buffet
Dropping down to the next place below, Warren Buffet occupies the fourth place in the list of world’s top 10 richest people with a net worth of US$ 102 billion. He holds 15.7% stocks in Berkshire Hathaway even after giving away US$ 3.6 bn worth shares to charity via the Gates Foundation and the Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation.

5 Mark Zuckerberg
Notably, at 35 years, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest among the top 10 richest persons of the world. Occupying the fifth position in the list, he has a net worth of US$ 84 bn.

6 Amancio Ortega
Amancio Ortega’s net worth is US$ 81 bn, which makes him occupy the top 5th position in the list of world’s top richest persons. Hailing from Spain, he is the owner of Zara, through his holding company Inditex. Using the dividends from Inditex, he acquired a commercial real estate in London and New York worth US$ 11 bn.

7 Carlos Slim Helu
Carlos Slim Helu has slipped down to the seventh place in the list of world’s richest persons from his earlier slot. He has a net worth of US$ 72 bn. His fortune ensues from America Movil and Grupo Carso, a holding company doing business in the retail, industrial, and construction domains.

8 Sergey Brin and Larry Page
Sergey Brin and Larry Page stepped down from the control of Alphabet and gave away the control of this parent company of Google to Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai. They occupy the eighth and the ninth position in the list of world’s richest persons with their net worth of US$68 bn and US$67 bn respectively.

9 Mukesh Ambani
Reliance founder Mukesh Ambani’s wealth surged 24% surge reaching a net worth of US$ 67 bn. He retained the ninth position among the world’s top richest persons. The only Asian in the top ten, a majority of his wealth comes from the phenomenal performance of his telecom and retail businesses. In a significant move, RIL has become the first Indian firm to touch the milestone of accumulating US$ 140 bn market capitalization.

10 Steve Ballmer
Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer gained immensely from the surge in the value of Microsoft’s shares past US$1 trillion making it the world’s most valuable company once again. He has 4% shares in the company worth US$ 56 billion and his net worth is US$ 67 bn with the other assets in the Los Angeles Clippers, a basketball team. Hence he shares the ninth position along with Mukesh Ambani and Larry Page who have a net worth of US$ 67 bn.


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